Glazed Christmas Ham



A holiday celebration at our house would not be complete without a Glazed Ham, the ultimate versatile dish that is delicious served both warm or cold.

Bernard, Reservations


6-7kg Smoked gammon on the bone
2lt apple and raspberry juice then water to cover
Onion halved
2 cloves garlic unpeeled
2 celery sticks
2 star anise
2 cinnamon sticks
Handful juniper berries
4 myrtle leaves
Handful peppercorns


4 tablespoons honey
Teaspoon mustard
Dash of apple and raspberry juice

Steps on Christmas Eve:

  1. Put all the main ingredients into a large stock pot, add water until the ham is covered
  2. Bring to the boil and simmer for 3-4 hours.  Leave to cool in the pan

Steps on Christmas Day

Preheat your oven to 200 degrees celsius

  1. Lift the ham out, remove the rind and most of the fat layer leaving a thin covering
  2. Score this in a diamond pattern and stud the criss-crosses with cloves
  3. Put the glaze ingredients in a pan and let them form a syrup.
  4. Pour over the ham then put into the oven to glaze for 15-25 mins.
  5. Remove and leave to cool before carving

Tip:  Use a disposable roasting dish for easy cleaning or line your roaster with foil (the syrup is messy).

One Response to “Glazed Christmas Ham”

  1. Nerissa’s Christmas Traditions & Recipes « Paris Blog, Travel Blog, Travel Tips – Paris Perfect says:

    […] based mostly on the British Tradition but with a lot of Dutch spices thrown in.  We always have a glazed ham, served with perfect roast potatoes (use goose fat and semolina for extra crunch), bacon wrapped […]

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